Currently known as LahiTapiola, the Tapiola Bank Ltd is the Finish bank, part of the Tapiola Group. Initially, it offered insurance services but later acceded to the banking trade in the year 2004 with the Tapiola Bank.
Some of the services offered by Tapiola Bank include the following:
- Acting as an asset manager whereby they find and acquire new customers for Asset management with work comprising of meetings, to seek clients with a start at 100,000 Euros and later to search for them a suitable environ for the consumer needs (personally).
- In this bank, entrepreneurship is their other source of revenue whereby there are services inclusive of offering audio engineering for both large enterprises and individuals.
- La Tapiola also provides coverage of risks through ensuring the populace.
Conversely, this bank employs 3,153 people in Finland.
Forex Bank Finland Services
- Insurance
- Private Banking
- Asset Management
- Entrepreneurship is their other source of revenue whereby there are services inclusive of offering audio engineering for both large enterprises and individuals
- Coverage of risks through ensuring the populace
website: lahitapiola.fi/henkilo
LahiTapiola Bank Main Contacts
Phone: +35880004531 Banking S-Bank Phone: +358 10 76 5800 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Savings and investments Phone: 09 453 8500 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Online service user support Phone: 09 453 3000 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
LahiTapiola Bank Head Office Address
Revontulentie 7,
2100, ESPOO, Finland